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There is a movement among those who deny that God exists to be "good without God". The suggestion is that even though God does not exist, people can still be good. Two things are wrong with this position. If the proponents of this concept are honest I believe that we would realize the intent behind it is not so much goodness itself, but at the root of it is self-justification, a phrase which itself is a contradiction in terms. We are not able to justify ourselves to the standard of righteousness (goodness) which God requires.

Still, the claim is that we can be good without God. There is still a fundamental flaw in the objective in that goodness does not exist without God. Any good that a person can do is only good because God himself is the source of goodness throughout everything that exisits. Where does the notion of goodness come from? Who's idea is it? Why do we aspire to goodness rather than what we know as badness, or evil? Why is it not okay to push the little old lady into traffic instead of helping her across the road? Where does that inate understanding of what is good originate? It comes from outside ourselves. Goodness does not serve the cause of natural selection or the supposed randomness of existence. It is not something that was developed in society out of some great moral internal debate. No statute is self-existent, but comes from the law of God.

The idea that we can be good without God is like saying we can "breathe without air." Breathing only exists within an environment where a breathable atmosphere exists. Yes, we can carry small containers of atmosphere around and leave our natural environment, (which in spiritual terms is exactly what atheists have done) but this is not sustainable. The breathable atmosphere in the container can only exist because the constituents of what is breathable were created outside the container in the first place. Goodness is like that. There is no one good, except God. So when a person who denies God measures their level of goodness, who's standard are they using? Actually, I believe they have a short piece of God's ruler. So a person can actually do good things without knowing God, but goodness itself comes from Him in the first place. We're just reflecting a little of the eternal that is set in the heart of everyone, to be discovered and acknowledged and acted upon. The credit, then, should go to the maker of it all.


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