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This is my blog. I hope I can keep it up! Below you will see the latest entry, and below that links to older content.

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I remember when I was studying adult education that we looked at Bloom's Taxonomy. Which outlines principles of adult learning. This is my taxonomy of worship. Which outlines principles of the worship dynamic. Its a slice of it, anyway. You can't possibly express the dynamic of worship in a linear manner.

1. Wherever the people of God meet together and worship the manifest glory of the LORD is revealed.

Notes: See 2 Chronicles 5:13 - 14, Psalm 22:3,

2. The degree of revelation of His glory (r)* is directly proportional to the number of people (n) and the amount of unity (u).
r = n x u
(Principle of multiplication)

Notes: Simply because each one carries treasure in a jar of clay. The number of people involved is a multiplying factor - similar to corporate worship versus individual private worship. Both are valid, but in practical terms it is often easier to enter in to God's presence in worship when there are more people. Each persons praise bears witness to those around and encourages the others to add their contribution as an offering before the throne of God.

Also, see Psalm 133 - God is pleased with unity and commands a blessing. Disunity will displease God. He is a jealous God. He is not petty, but he rewards those who seek him. Those who are preoccupied with squabbles, worldly cares, judgment of others are less likely to easily find the presence of the Lord.

3. Unity is a factor of ethnicity, denominational affiliation, culture, etc. - diversity (d), and the extent to which lives are laid down, and preference is shown to other brothers and sisters* in the congregation - humility (h).
u = d x h

God is interested in the offerings of the nations. Every tribe and tongue will bow before him and give him praise. All cultures, all ethnicities will bring their "riches" to him. To some extent we see this happening when people of different nationalities and cultures worship the Lord together. We have personally experienced this great sense of God's pleasure when we have worshiped with Roma, Indian and Pakistani Christians, Indigenous North American people, or people from 5 t o7 different European nations. You can tell that God likes it! It also happens when Methodists, Pentecostals, Baptists and Anglicans come together under our common love for Jesus, acknowledging the cross, the blood, the resurrection, the outpouring of the Spirit.




  1. Let’s go with r for revelation, rather than g for glory, because any revelation of God is to have an encounter of His glory. This can be in the word, in prayer, etc.
  2. Preference shown without compromising the Gospel, but with deference to Paul’s instruction to allow for God to make clear any point on which we may disagree. (It is not compromise when you do not force your doctrine on another person. You still hold to it, you just don’t hold someone else to it).


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