The Journey



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This is my blog. I hope I can keep it up! Below you will see the latest entry, and below that links to older content.

Thanks for reading!


The latest trip was a challenge in some ways, but we got so much done! Improvements to our base were a big part of the three month process, and the best part of that was getting a meeting room made. This involved taking out a dividing wall between the “living room” (its not really set up as a home where someone lives, so its more of a ‘day room’ or some such thing) and the next room which we’ve been using for a bedroom. Seeing this become a reality was a tremendous blessing. We started using it right away. The day Jane and I finished painting the walls and ceiling we had two couple for dinner. Ivan and Natalya came with Salim and Elena, who were visiting from England. We ate and then we sang and worshiped until about midnight. It was a great time of singing songs from different cultural backgrounds for one true King!

A few days later the team arrived from Canada. We were right into a daily routine of morning devotions and worship, but also spent an entire evening on the first (and only!) day off for the team singing songs which were a minimum of 30 years old. It was great and God was there right with us. The following Thursday (we’re into one week of use now!) we had the planned ‘official’ inaugural meeting with visitors from different towns to worship and pray and bless each other. We had friends from Bulgaria, England, America, Germany and New Zealand there, as well as, of course Canada.

Some of these events and other video clips of our times of construction can be seen on our Bambuser video channel at

I am also posting our one minute Youtube video made on my iPad showing the three week construction project that kept us huddled in a back room while we tried to keep down the dust. God is on the move! We plan to host a seminar in this meeting room when we return, and look forward to many great times of teaching, training, equipping and fellowship to come.


Our next and pressing project is to complete the Barn. This is a big one, but I have faith and confidence that God can and will do this now. I’ve seen what He has done so far and believe we will have this facility the way He wants it to be. This will probably cost twenty five to thirty thousand dollars, but will provide accomodation for teams, including washrooms and shower facilities, a garage/worshop, lounge and kitchen. When we host seminars and retreats as well as mission teams from different countries there will be enough beds and living space for everyone!


Contact Information

Worship With Us Ministries
Box 2161
St. Marys ON N4X 1A1

Office: 289-408-8590 (New number)
Mobile: 519-949-3407
BG Mobile: 0893 444759

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