This is my blog. I hope I can keep it up! Below you will see the latest entry, and below that links to older content.
Thanks for reading!
It's been 16 years now since that first trip to Bulgaria. A lot has changed there in that time. I remember how prayer in a public place still stirred up some fear to which I was not accustomed, causing our local friend to want to almost literally hide in the bushes. That fear is not present any more. Still some remnants of communism remain. From obsessive stamping of papers to scandals over pastors who worked for the communist government or were informers still being in leadership in the church today.
Church is about the people, not the politics. Its about relationship and friendship, mutual encouragement, and holding up the weary arms to provide strength in the struggle. We are called to this. Our hearts are bonded with the church across the world. What a predicament!
More than twenty-three years ago now, when we had been living in Canada for about two years, I was listening to the audio of a Christmas Cantata put on by our church in Stoney Creek. It unexpectedly brought me to tears as I remembered our friends in England and I realized that whichever side of the Atlantic Ocean we are on we would be missing people on the other side. Its a bitter sweet experience to know many people in many places and be apart from so many of those people!
As I write we are preparing for our longest trip ever - based in Bulgaria but expecting to go beyond the borders to neighbouring countries. It raises a whole new range of challenges and considerations, from passports and visas to transportation and heating. So far we have simply let the house sit through the winter. No problem. Now we have to live there. Still no problem, but a challenge!
We must keep our eyes fixed on the prize - the calling. Its about the people. Its about the church. Its about the Gospel and the Kingdom. Its about the King. This is our lot, and, frankly, we like it. For all the heartaches and difficulties, the challenges that most people at this time of life don’t have to consider, we are blessed to be about our Father’s business. What a privilege. To help the poor, both young and old. To seek the lost. To pray with the saved. To assure each one that God is indeed for them and not against them. That there is a hope and a future, and God has sent us from far away to make sure that the message is heard!
Worship With Us Ministries
Box 2161
St. Marys ON N4X 1A1
Office: 289-408-8590 (New number)
Mobile: 519-949-3407
BG Mobile: 0893 444759
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