The Journey



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This is my blog. I hope I can keep it up! Below you will see the latest entry, and below that links to older content.

Thanks for reading!



It's hard to believe that less than 4 weeks ago we were on our team trip in a far country. Only three Sundays ago we were in 'church' of a different kind, with 17 people gathered in the pastor's bedroom. Carpets spread over dirt floors and a bench brought in from outside so that most people could sit.

A young lady led some singing from a hand written song book. Not everyone joined in. There seemed to be a sadness hanging over the place. But this was a place of faith.

You can listen right here:

Worship Audio

The pastor supervises a number of small groups meeting in homes in the area. At one time walking, then bicycling to each place, later with a car which is now broken. People want prayer. As we began to minister at the end of the meeting, (with Dave on his face on the carpet - wish I'd seen that!) God began to touch people and give words of knowledge, words of encouragement and people's hearts were touched. As tears subsided we could see that outlooks had changed and hope had come.

God is always good.


Contact Information

Worship With Us Ministries
Box 2161
St. Marys ON N4X 1A1

Office: 289-408-8590 (New number)
Mobile: 519-949-3407
BG Mobile: 0893 444759

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